Kaylyn officially started Kindergarten on Monday!
She handled it like a champ!
We had a few tears shed over seating situations when she arrived to her class. She isn't a fan of one of her neighbors.
Last year, we had the most amazing Pre-K teacher. We are still in love with her and she has become a friend of mine. So, throughout the summer we had several talks about Kaylyn having a new teacher for Kindergarten.
She informed me on numerous occasions,"Mommy, I'm just going to keep walking on by my new class and go straight in to my old." For a while there she wasn't budging.
Her new Kindergarten teacher stole her heart on the first day. While Kaylyn was crying and after I had left (her crying.....which sort of tore my heart out), her Kindergarten teacher came over and prayed with her. How sweet!
We are blessed to be at the school we are at. Its a Christian school. Throughout the day she is still hearing about the Lord. I'm not discounting the fact that the home is THE primary place in which you are to teach your children about Christ. But, its nice to know that she will be hearing that throughout her day at school as well.
When Kaylyn arrived in the car the first day from school, I asked her what she thought about her new teacher.
To which she replied,"Mommy, I didn't know if my new teacher was nice or mean until she prayed for me when I was sad. Then I knew she was nice. I like her a lot."
Its hard to believe that my baby *glow worm is now in Kindergarten. I remember the day we brought her home for the hospital.
And now look at her. All dressed up in an apple ensemble ready to go to Kindergarten. Crazy!
When she was two, I NEVER thought this day would come. I always thought that we had plenty of time to pray, think through, dissect, and know exactly what we are doing in regards to schooling for her. Its so hard in the world today to know. Thank the Lord we have a sovereign God who loves our children far more than we ever could and knows the plan of all of their days. I have to cling to that!
For right now, I do have a peace about where she is at. But, it may look completely different next year. Who knows???? Only God.
So, we'll be trekking through Kindergarten this year.
Kaylyn and Daddy
Kaylyn and Mommy!
walking down the hallway
sitting at her desk......shortly after this photo, the tears started flowing