Laney Rae is 5 months old!
I really can't believe in just 5 short months she has went from a sleepy newborn to a giggly baby. She is all smiles.
Her personality is already starting to show and silly faces are starting to appear.
So are two tiny teeth on the bottom of her mouth. I have thought that she might be teething but it is always anyones guess until you actually see something. Yesterday morning, there was a something. Two of them to be exact.
Laney Rae is your typical bouncing baby with enough sweet faces to go around.
Our two girls bring us so much delight and joy.

She is so beautiful!!
I can't wait to see those cute little teeth!
I just want to pinch those cheeks.
I love them!
She is so cute!!! I can't believe she is already 5 months!!
Matt and I were talking yesterday about how we haven't seen you guys recently. We miss your cute little family!
dang girl, how you gon' put me on blast like 'at?
already. done and done. go 'head.
I am gonna suck those chubby cheeks and then just throw her against the wall. What else can you do with something that adorable.
I rest my case. (No disrespect but I'm watching Law and Order and felt compelled to say something lawyeresque.)
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