Sunday, May 22, 2011

Happy Birthday Little Lovey

Happy Birthday Ruthie Claire!

Today you are 2.

You have an exuberance that is unlike any other.

Your face is full of animated expressions.

Your eyes catch everything in sight. You are the most observant child I've witnessed.

Ruthie, there is excitement and laughter in your soul. It's so sweet to watch you get worked up about something.

The words you say are music to my ears. You are talking so well. The other day I was helping you do something and you blurted out in full sentence,"I can do it."

No doubt there are some quirks about you that are to be mentioned. You aren't a fan of water (i.e. bath time). You can't stand stuff on the bottom of your feet. You get this from your momma.

And "I ont some" ("I want some") is your favorite sentence.

You love to sit and read books. And you are already such a little momma helping out with your baby sister, Exie Jo. Your favorite toy is your stroller and baby doll. And the pig is still in your arms 24/7.

Ruthie, I pray sweet blessings over your life and that the Lord would grab a hold of your heart at an early age. I pray that His kindness leads your little heart to repentance and a saving faith. And that the same exuberance you have now as a child, would be used in ways unimaginable as a daughter of the King.

"The Lord bless you and keep you;
The Lord make His face shine on you and be gracious to you;
The Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace."
Numbers 6:24-26

Here are some cute photos of your sweet self.

A common face....

This is you in your "pig coma".

Our sweet big 2 year old! Look at those curls!

Daddy and helping his excited princess!

Mama helping you open your presents because you were more interested in the cake.

Your family loves you so much Ruthie Claire!


Grace said...

Happy birthday to your sweet girl. So cute!


Anonymous said...

oh what a blessing ruthie is to us all..she is such a happy little blessed to have such beautiful grandma..."piggy coma"..ha-ha .. that is the truth...

Anonymous said...

Happy belated birthday to sweet Ruthie Claire! Those curls are to die for or circles as my 6 year old niece used to call her curly hair.

