Happy Birthday Rae Rae lovey.
You are so precious to me, your daddy, and your sisters.
Your laughter is as big as life.
I have enough stories in just these three short years to fill up an entire lifetime.
Like the time we wiped your hiney a few days ago and there was a rooster feather in your crack. We are constantly thanking the Lord for the reminder to laugh through you.
Our house is quiet when you are sleeping and animated when you awake.
The first moments of your day are spent running.
Thankfulness is constantly echoed in your scratchy, raspy, two year old voice. Except you say,”Thank Em.”
The free spirit the Lord has given you I pray is one day tamed by God alone and used for His glory. The things He will do through you and the stories you will one day tell…. makes this mama very scared to even think about.
You see no boundaries.
“Slow down lovey,” are the words I most frequently speak to you. But, one day I pray that you run full speed right into the arms of Jesus and go about your faith in reckless abandon.
The possibilities are endless, sweet girl, once the Lord gets a hold of your soul.
Oh, how I beg and plead for His mercy, favor, and compassion to fall on you and the life that is ahead of you.
We love you so much and are thankful the Lord has chosen us (and thought we had enough energy) to parent you.
Momma, Daddy, and the sisters

Happy Birthday Wild One!
How can you be three? Three? No!!
I pray blessings over your sweet life little one. We love you bunches and can't wait to see who God is growing you to be one day.
Unc-uh Aaron, Honey and the cousins.
Love that girl!
Happy Birthday Rae Rae!! You are such a sweet girl!!!! I pray the Lord does bless you and give you many adventures to praise Him!!
Happy Birthday Laney Rae Kramer...oh how we are truly blessed to have you in our lives...GOD has made you very special in every way..your laughter, sweetness, and SMILE just makes my heart melt..what a joy you bring to
our lives...love you pops, pa-pa, and grandma
happy birthday laney rae! lyns, what a beautiful prayer.. i hope she has a wonderful day!
i sang with you back in the day at LH and i love reading your blog :)
happy birthday to your cute little girl!
happy day! :)
Happy belated birthday Laney Rae!
Happy Birthday sweet girl! Her birthday is on our calendar, so Addison prayed for her! From our home to yours, lots of love, dear friend!
that grin.. good grief!! makes me shake in my boots and I've never met her.. I had 1 of those "free" ones here for 9 months.. wore me to a nub.. she's a beautiful girl with many, many more years to drive you to the edge :o)
oh- what a sweet letter to your lovey.
can't believe rae rae is three! love that girl...
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