My sweet Ruthie Claire is 11 months old today.
I still can’t believe in one month she will be ONE!
I’m really digging the sink baths after messy meals these days. It’s so easy. I seriously thought I’d never be a sink bath kind of momma (you know… because of the germs), but it sure is looking that way.
I can do dishes, clean the highchair out, sweep the floor, and bathe my baby at the same time. How efficient is that?
I give my sink a good scrub down before I put my little one in it. And before you start lecturing me about the sink being dirtier than the toilet, I’m not scared. Poop is my life.
And besides, I’ve never even understood how a sink could possibly be dirtier than the toilet.
Back to Ruthie. She is as sweet as can be in every sense of the word. Her sisters are smitten over her. Her daddy and I adore her and love to sit and talk about how wonderful she is.
She is clapping. Saying “momma” “dada” “tae tae (KK)” “ni ni (night night) “da (dog)” and “ni (no)”. Ruthie is sorta kinda crawling…..show the girl some love. She has two older siblings who do EVERYTHING for her. And she is eating everything in sight. I haven’t found one thing that she doesn’t eat. We are still nursing. But, I think she is starting to taper off big time on her feedings since she has developed an insane appetite.
Here are some sink bath photos!
Leave a comment if you’ve ever bathed your children in the sink!

I DEFINITELY have bathed babies in my sink!!! She's adorable!
Absolutely! It's just the perfect size and height, so you don't kill your back leaning over the bathtub.
Poop is my life too - kid, chicken, bunny, parakeet, etc. We're Moms, that's just how it is. ;)
i think the first time i was in your home i said "OH I LOVE THAT SINK..that's a baby bathing sink!" love it! she is a precious precious girl with a sweet sweet spirit..we love your Ruthie!
Yes!!! Many, many sink baths!
Ruthie is beautiful!!
ABSOLUTELY! No bending over a tub for me!! She is so cute
Of course I did! I loved those times!
Girl, Betty STILL likes a sink bath! At what age is that inappropriate?
Heck ya! I loved being able to bathe Johnathan in the sink...so easy and efficient! Those pics are too cute! Happy 11 months to your sweet baby girl!
Blessings, Grace
Sink baths are awesome!! My kids will stay in there forever. I actually have a few memories of sink baths which tells you I was about 3 when I still got them??
Poop is my life too...and I live in town!!
Im a former sink bath baby. As were all of my siblings and cousins. My kids were bathed in the sink as babies. Sam still is. What is the point of a good farm sink if you can bathe your babies in it?
Oh yeah! All of my babies have been sink bathed. My back can't handle it any other way.
Ruthie is such a little cutie!
☺ Celeste
My kids loved sink baths!
Your family is beautiful!
oh how sweet ruthie claire is.. can hardly believe 11 mths. and soon to be one yr old..yes, she was really scootin' around real good over here this week..looks like she is have a great time in her new sink bath.. love you grandma
the only reason we stop is when they get too big--you know i'm not proud! :)
the only reason we stop is when they get too big--you know i'm not proud! :)
Ha~i was just thinking i may be the only who bathes their baby in the sink at least 2 times a day. Nice to know i am not alone!!
Wow, 11 months already?! I was bathed in the sink when I was little.
you have that nice deep sink- just perfect for baby baths!
yes- of course i've bathed my baby in the sink. all that light streaming through the window, a nice little cozy spot, no better place : )
and-about crawling- dylin didn't crawl until she was a little over 11 months old. she was walking 6 weeks later. i really liked her late crawling. i could sit her on a blanket and know that she'd still be there while i cooked (or whatever). i think the deep thinkers are too busy working out the problems of the world to bother with crawling!
It's a sad day in our house when the babies are too big for baths in the sink!
And as far as the sink being dirtier than the toilet, well...isn't that why Comet was invented? Or Soft Scrub? Or Barkeepers Friend? I doubt these people testing these supposed filthy sinks were cleansing them with abrasive, yet not harsh, agents such as these! :)
I have four and they have all been bathed in the sink at some point--the last two kids much more often. I got faster! Must have been all those sweet potato meals. It was just as fast to strip and dunk than to swipe at that all afternoon!
ayup on the sink baths! I'm not buying the dirtier thing either.. it's silly when you think it through.. also, it's a whole lot easier on the back to have them up where you aren't crouched and hunched while handling them!!
We only had a scary shower in our house growing up. I was in the sink every night. I washed my babies and grandbabies in my sink too. My sink is definately not grossly dirty (I'm a Flybaby!) Nothing more precious than a baby in a sink!
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